Friday, July 24, 2015

NEWS - POLITICS - CNN Pisses Off Kenya Social Media Ignites

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Kenya is absolutely furious and completely fuming with CNN. The Atlanta-based CNN reported and described President Obama's ancestral Fatherland as a "hot bed of terror." As the President prepares to land in the East African nation tomorrow, Friday 24th July, its inhabitants have recycled its 2013 hastag - #SomeoneTellCNN. While they view CNN's story as an impudent, ludicrous and exaggerated effort to diminish Kenyan security measures, they also feel the network is unnecessarily dampening the good spirits accompanying President Obama's first visit to his ancestral homeland since his 2008 election victory. This is the first time a sitting American President has visited Kenya.   

Social Media is awash comments: 

#Someone Tell CNN The Last Time I Checked Your Africa Bureau Is In Nairobi. You Are Yet To Evacuate Staff! Enough Said... @RobertMagori

#Someone Tell CNN I'd Rather Visit Kenya Now Than The United States For Fear Of Being Gunned Down By White Racists. See #hotbed?

#Someone Tell CNN That Kenya Is Not A Banana Republic Tunona mmetuzoea! @mwongelaf

#Someone Tell CNN That The So Called #TerrorHotBed Is Home To Names Such As Lupita Wangari Maathai, and Obama Himself! @Juanit Agengo 

#Someone Tell CNN That Its Foolish For An International Media House To Report So Sensationally. Are They That Desperate For Attention @Camundih

#Someone Tell CNN That It Is True That It Is Only CNN That Believes Kenya Is Somewhere In Somalia. Surely In Some Place Google Maps Hasn't Reached.

Kenya is now demanding an apology. One can only wonder what President Obama truly thinks. 

Is CNN's concern unfounded and without merit? Are Kenyans being unreasonable? Are Kenyans over reacting? 

(c) JuicyChitChats 2015 [Thursday 23rd July]

TAGS: JuicyChitChat-Politics. JuicyChitChats-Opinion. Kenya. USA. President Obama.  JuicyChitChats-LiveTalkLearnProsper
HASHTAGS: #JuicyChitChats-Politics #JuicyChitChats-Opinion. #Kenya #President'sObamasVisitToKenya #JuicyChitChats-LiveTalkLearnProsper #LiveTalkLearnProsper


  1. First time back since 2008. thats a while. At least he knows where he comes from o

  2. Kenya should chill, there is no smoke without fire. Build a bridge & get over it! CNN is just reporting news as they see fit. This is not something for Kenyans to get too upset about. Move on.

    1. Westgate Mall (67 lost in September 2013) and Garissa University (147 lost in April 2015) were terror attacks. CNN is just reporting with concern. We pray never to hear of this sort of thing in any part of the world.

    2. Oklahoma bombing was done by a white American citizen. What about the school shootings, movie house shootings & gun violence over here in America? There has been violence everywhere, it's not fair for CNN to pick on Kenya just cos President is visiting. I see why they are upset with CNN.

  3. CNN should have been a little more diplomatic.


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