Thursday, July 30, 2015

QUESTION - When Will Walter J. Palmer Be Arrested?

Walter J. Palmer & Cecil, The Very Loved Zimbabwean Lion

Walter J. Palmer is an American who works in the healthcare sector. We have been informed that this 55 year old individual runs a thriving dentist practice in Minnesota, USA. In this sickening tummy churning field of killing animals for pleasure, he is known as "a big game" and "a bow and arrow" hunter. 

His statement? "I hired several professional guides and they secured all the proper my knowledge everything about this trip was legal...I had no idea that the lion I took was a known local favorite, was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt. I relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt....I deeply regret that my pursuit of an activity I love and practice responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lion." 

Word on the streets of Zimbabwe is that the two game officials: Safari Operator, Honest Ndlovu and Professional Hunter, Theo Bronkhorst have been detained. Apparently, African authorities and kinfolk are actively looking for Walter J. Palmer. My Africa O! You could not have done this to any of their animals on their own continent, country or land and walked....there are rules to be followed...if broken...severe consequences await, especially jail. 

So what exactly is the purpose of animal trophy hunting? Is deriving a high rush and pleasure from killing animals not maladjusted demonic conduct? Why does Palmer believe it is OK to pass the buck and hold others culpable? Legally speaking, pleading ignorance can never be a defense or excuse. There is still a case to answer. The slaughter of Cecil, the Lion was a vicious act therefore each participant is vicariously liable. 

Mr. Palmer, you are an American who ought not to be frightened of the so called "jungle justice" that awaits you in Zimbabwe, after all that brand simply pales in comparison to the barbaric manner of love, pursuit and justice you applied in slaughtering poor Cecil. What would Tarzan say?

The African Union Summit has concluded.  I guess it's over to you President Robert Mugabe. 

(c) JuicyChitChats 2015 [Wednesday 29th July]

TAGS: JuicyChitChats-Question. Animal Cruelty. Cecil The Lion, Zimbabwe. Walter J. Palmer PETA
HASHTAGS: #JuicyChitChats-Question. #Zimbabwe #AnimalCruelty #CecilTheLion #WalterJPalmer #PETA


  1. Smh just not right. He needs to be arrested now!

  2. How could such a thing have happened in the first place. All of them must face the law. This is sooooo wrong!


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