![Julian Bond](http://history.virginia.edu/files/pictures/picture-13.jpg)
Professor Emeritus Julian Bond
University of Virginia
Professor Emeritus (1990)
Email: hjb7g (at) virginia.edu
Fields & Specialties
U.S. SouthEducation
B.A. Morehouse 1971
Teaching/Academic Service
Professor, Department of History, University of Virginia, Fall, 1998 to present; Lecturer, Fall, l990; Spring, l993 to Fall, 1998. Courses: The History of the Civil Rights Movement, Southern Black Politics, The Black and White '60s.
Distinguished Professor In Residence, The American University, l991 - present. Courses: The Politics
of the Civil Rights Movement, Oral History of the '60s.
Distinguished Professor In Residence, The American University, l991 - present. Courses: The Politics
of the Civil Rights Movement, Oral History of the '60s.
Teacher, National Endowment for the Humanities Seminar, Harvard University, 1996 - 2001.
Chair, Southern Politics Section, l997 Southern Political Science Association.
Arnold Bernhard Visiting Professor of Political Science, Williams College, Fall, 1992.
Remsen Bird Visiting Lecturer, Occidental College, Spring, 1991.
Visiting Professor, Department of African-American Studies, Harvard University, Fall, 1991; Fall, 1989. Courses: The History of the Civil Rights Movement, Southern Black Politics.
Pappas Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, Spring 1989. Courses: History of the Civil Rights Movement.
Visiting Professor, Department of History and Politics, Drexel University, 1988-1989. Courses: History of the Civil Rights Movement.
Fellow, Metropolitan Applied Research Center, New York, Summer, l967.
Honorary Degrees
Dalhousie University, University of Bridgeport, Wesleyan University, University of Oregon, Syracuse University, Eastern Michigan University, Lincoln University (PA), Wilberforce College, Patterson State College, New Hampshire College, Detroit Institute of Technology, Tuskegee Institute, Howard University, Morgan State University, Edward Waters College, Gonzaga School of Law, Northeastern University, Bates College, Washington University, California State University at Monterey Bay, Audrey Cohen College.
Papers and Publications
Co-Editor, with Sondra K. Wilson, Lift Every Voice and Sing, Random House, New York, (2000).
"Civil Rights, Now and Then," in Challenges to Equality, ed. by Chester Hartman, M. E. Sharpe, Armonk, New York, 2000.
"What We Did", The Monthly Review, September 2000.
"The Movement We Helped Make", in Long Time Gone, ed. by Alexander Bloom, Oxford Press, Fall, 2001.
Forward, Freedomways Reader, Esther Cooper Jackson, Ed., Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado (2000).
"From A Time to Speak, a Time To Act," Civil Rights Reader, Nextext, Houghton Mifflin Co., New York, (2000).
"Race: The Enduring Problem of the 20th Century," Peacework, Issue 301, at 10 (Dec 1999/Jan 2000)
"90th Annual NAACP Convention Address," Vital Issues, Vol IX, No. 4 at 1 (Winter 1999).
"NAACP - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow," Vital Issues, Vol. VIII, No. 3 at 19 (1998).
Contributor - Teachers Make A Difference, compiled by Sue Sheridan, pub by Harris County Board of Education (Houston) (1998).
Forward, On Higher Ground: Education and the Case for Affirmative Action by Walter Feinberg, Teachers College Press, New York & London, 1998.
"Excellence & Equity", The Most Important Thing I Know, compiled by Lorne A. Adrian, Cader Books, New York, l997.
Forward, The Star Creek Papers: Washington Parish & The Lynching of Jerome Wilson, by Horace Mann and Julia Bond, Ed. by Adam Fairclough, University of Georgia Press, Athens, Ga. (l997).
Forward, The Star Creek Papers: Washington Parish & The Lynching of Jerome Wilson, by Horace Mann and Julia Bond, Ed. by Adam Fairclough, University of Georgia Press, Athens, Ga. (l997).
"Democracy Demands Memory", Southern Changes, Vol. 19, No. 1, April, l997, Southern Regional Council, Atlanta.
Review, "Essays On The American Civil Rights Movement", Race & Representation, The National Political Science Review, Volume 6, Ed. Georgia A. Persons, l997.
Review, "Essays On The American Civil Rights Movement", Race & Representation, The National Political Science Review, Volume 6, Ed. Georgia A. Persons, l997.
Introduction, Mose T's Slapout Family Album, by Robert Ely and Mose T. (Tolliver), Black Belt Publishing, Montgomery, Ala. (l997)
Forward, Black Americana Price Guide, Antique Trader Publications, Dubuque, Iowa (l997).
Preface, Double Exposure: Poverty & Race In America, Ed. by Chester Hartman, M. E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY (1996)
Consultant, with Stephen Middleton and Rose Ann Mulford, The Civil Rights Movement, Globe Fearon Educational Publisher, Simon & Schuster, Upper Saddle River, NJ (l997).
"Remembering Another Atlanta: Gate City" Southern Changes, Volume 18, No. 2, Southern Regional Council, Summer, l996.
"Remembering Another Atlanta: Gate City" Southern Changes, Volume 18, No. 2, Southern Regional Council, Summer, l996.
"The Question of Race", Southern Crossroads, The Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games, Cultural Olympiad, in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution and the Southern Arts Federation, July, l996.
"The Question of Race", Festival of American Folklife l996, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, June, l996.
Preface, Slavery at Monticello, by Lucia Stanton, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, Charlottesville, Va. (l996).
Preface, Slavery at Monticello, by Lucia Stanton, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, Charlottesville, Va. (l996).
"The Movement: History from the Bottom Up", Black Issues In Higher Education (January, l996).
Foreword, Prophet of Rage: A Life of Louis Farrakhan and His Nation, by Arthur J. Magida, Basic Books, New York (l996).
"One Memory of Dr. Barnes", The Barnes-Bond Connection, ed. by Niara Sudarkasa, David Levering Lewis & Julian Bond, The Lincoln University Press, Lincoln University, Pa. (l996).
"Historical Perspectives on Fair Housing", The John Marshall Law Review, Vol. 29, No 2, The John Marshall Law School, Chicago, Ill. (Winter, l996).
"The War On Poverty", A MACAA Success Story, Charlottesville Daily Progress, Charlottesville, Va. (December, l995).
"Homecoming To Freedom Summer". Southern Exposure, Volume XXII, No. 4, Atlanta, Ga. (Winter, l994).
"Voting Rights: A Beneficiary's Perspective", The American University Law Review, Vol. 44, No. 1, Washington, DC (October, l994).
"A Historical Perspective on Fair Lending" Profitwise, Vol. 6, Issue 3, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (December, l994).
Gonna Sit At The Welcome Table, Second Edition, ed. by Julian Bond & Andrew Lewis, American Heritage Custom Publishing Company, New York (l995).
"The Promise of Brown", UVA Alumni News, Charlottesville, Va. (July/August, l994).
"Equality: Why We Can't Wait" with Adolph Reed, Race and Gender in the American Economy: Views from Across the Spectrum, Prentice Hall/Simon & Schuster, New York, (l994).
Introduction, Standing Fast, by Roy Wilkins with Tom Matthews, DaCapo Press, New York (l994).
"Some Questions for Examining Philadelphia's Black History", Pennsylvania Heritage, Vol. XX, No. 1, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pa. (Winter, l994).
Review, In My Place by Charlayne Hunter-Gault and An Education in Georgia by Calvin Trilling,Teacher's College Record, Teacher's College, New York (Fall, l993).
Forward, 20th Anniversary Southern Exposure, Vol. XXI, No. 1 - 2, Institute for Southern Studies, Durham, NC. (Spring-Summer, l993).
Introduction, Set On Freedom Teacher's Guide, CEL Educational Resources, New York (l993).
Introduction, Memories of the Southern Civil Rights Movement, by Danny Lyon, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC (l993).
Introduction, Visible Youth, compiled by Kyle Fambry, New Directions Press, Washington, DC (1993).
"Introduction" in The Civil Rights Movement: An Eyewitness History by Sanford Wexler, Facts on File Publishers, New York (1993).
"Color Blinders," Writing Arguments, John D. Ramage, 2d Edition, McMillan, New York (1992).
"Blacks and Jews: At Odds with the Past," The Proceedings of Carry It On, New Jewish Agenda, Bridges, Seattle (1992).
Preface, The Summer That Didn't End; The Story of the Mississippi Civil rights Projects of 1964, by Len Holt, DaCapo Press, New York (1992).
"Reflections on Affirmative Action Angst," Southern Changes, Atlanta (February, 1992).
"Equality: Why We Can't Wait," with Adolph Reed in "The Assault on Equality--Race, Rights and the New Orthodoxy," special issue The Nation, ed. by Julian Bond and Adolph Reed, New York (December 9, 1991).
"Reconstruction and the Southern Movement for Civil Rights-Then and Now", Teacher's College Record, Vol. 93, No. 2, Teacher's College, Columbia University (Winter, 1991).
"The Bishop of Atlanta: Ray Charles", The Jazz Poetry Anthology, ed. by Sascha Feinstein and Yusef Komunyakaa, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana (1991).
"A Perspective on the Present Status of Diversity in the United States," William Mitchell Law Review, Vol. 17, No. 2 (1991).
"Civil Rights--Then and Now," Vital Issues, Vol. 1, No. 1, ed. by Teta V. Banks, Bethune-DuBois Publications, Washington, DC (1991).
"The Politics of Civil Rights History," New Directions in Civil Rights Studies, ed. by Armstead L. Robinson & Patricia Sullivan, University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville, Virginia (1991).
"Dirty Laundry Behind a Fence," Southern Changes, Atlanta (January 1991).
"Why Study The Klan?", The Ku Klux Klan: A History of Racism and Violence, 4th Edition, Sara Bullard, Ed., Klanwatch, Montgomery, Ala (l991)
"Where We've Been, Where We're Going: A vision of Racial Justice in the 1990s," Harvard Civil Rights/Civil Liberties Law Review, Vol. 25, No. 2 at 273 (Summer, 1990).
Forward, Fallen Prince: William James Edwards, Black Education and the Quest for Afro-American Nationality, by Donald Stone, the Stone Hill Press, (1990).
"Color Blinders," The Nation, New York (August 13-20, 1990).
"Developing New Approaches to Civil Rights for the 1990s," Harvard Civil Rights/Civil Liberties Law Review (Summer 1990).
"Freedom's Long Road," 'GBH, Vol. R, No. 1 (January, 1990).
Free At Last, ed. with Sara Bullard, Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery, Alabama (1989).
"Politics and Poverty," Poverty and Social Justice, ed. by Francisco Jiminez, Bilingual Press, Tempe, Arizona (1987).
Foreword, Black English; Educational Equity and the Law, ed. by John Chambers, Jr., Karoma Publishers, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan (1983).
"DuBois Revisited", Crisis, Vol. 87, No. 4 (April, 1980).
A Time to Speak, A Time to Act, Simon & Schuster, New York (1972).
Introduction, "A Black Southern Strategy," What Black Politicians Are Saying, ed. by Nathan Wright, Hawthorn Books, New York (1972).
Foreword, If They Come in the Morning, Angela Davis, the Third Press, Okpaku Publishing Co., New York (1971).
"What's Next," Listening: Current Studies in Dialogue, Dubuque, Iowa (1971).
"The Bishop of Atlanta: Ray Charles," 100 Plus American Poems, ed. by Paul Molloy, Scholastic Book Services, New York (1970).
Review, "The South and the Nation," Black World, Johnson Publications, Chicago (August 1970).
"An Attack On All of Us", Conference Proceedings, Southwide Conference of Black Elected Officials, Voter Education Project, Southern Regional Council, Atlanta, GA (December 11-14, 1968).
Black Candidates; Southern Campaign Experiences, Voter Education Project, Southern Regional Council, Atlanta
"Symposium: The Meaning and Measure of Black Power," Black World, Johnson Publications, Chicago (November 1966).
"Death Of A Quiet Man", Rights & Reviews, Vol. 2, No. 1, Winter, l965.
"Habana," New Negro Poets, USA, ed. by Langston Hughes, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana (1964).
"The Bishop of Atlanta: Ray Charles," American Negro Poetry, ed. by Arna Bontemps, Hill & Wang, New York (1963).
"Nonviolence: An Interpretation", Freedomways, New York (Spring 1962).
Papers delivered to the New England Historical Society, the Southern Historical Association, and the Organization of American Historians.
Poems and articles in Negro Digest, Motive, Rights & Reviews, Life, Playboy, Freedomways, The New York Times, Ramparts, Beyond the Blues, New Negro Poetry, American Negro Poetry, The Book of Negro Humor, The Atlanta Constitution, The Boston Globe, The Los Angeles Times, TV Guide, The Black Collegian, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Chicago Tribune, The Hartford Courant.
Current Research
I am pursuing two projects: an examination of the influence of the civil rights movements on Black politics in the South between 1965 and 1968, and an investigation of generational changes among journalists covering the civil rights movement and the resulting effects on public perceptions of the movement and on public policy decisions.
Corcoran Department of History
University of Virginia
Nau Hall - South Lawn
Charlottesville, VA 22904
Contact:tel: (434) 924-7147; fax: (434) 924-7891
University of Virginia
Nau Hall - South Lawn
Charlottesville, VA 22904
Contact:tel: (434) 924-7147; fax: (434) 924-7891
office: M-F 8 am to 4:30 pm
(c) University Of Virginia
(c) JuicyChitChats 2015 [Thursday 20th August]
TAGS: JuicyChitChats-News. JuicyChitChats-In Memoriam . Professor Emeritus Julian Bond. University of Virginia. Corcoran Department of History LiveTalkLearnProsper.
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(c) University Of Virginia
(c) JuicyChitChats 2015 [Thursday 20th August]
TAGS: JuicyChitChats-News. JuicyChitChats-In Memoriam . Professor Emeritus Julian Bond. University of Virginia. Corcoran Department of History LiveTalkLearnProsper.
HASHTAGS: #JuicyChitChats-News #JuicyChitChats-InMemoriam #ProfessorEmeritusJulianBond #UniversityOfVirginia #CorcoranDepartmentOfHistory #LiveTalkLearnProsper #JuicyChitChats-LiveTalkLearnProsper
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