Sunday, March 5, 2017

ROYALTY - Princess Angela of Leichtenstein: Europe's First Black Princess

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HSH Princess Angela of Leichtenstein, Countess Reitberg

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TSH Prince Maximilian and Princess Angela 

Incredibly, people do not realize that Europe has been home to a Princess of African descent for over seventeen years.

HSH Prince Maximilian of Leichtenstein met Afro-Panamanian, Angela Gisela Brown in the USA. She graduated as a Fashion Designer from the Parsons School of Design. They were married January 29th, 2000, at the Church of St. Vincent Ferrer, New York City. 

HSH Princess Angela (born in Bocas Town, Bocas del Toro, Panama on February 3rd, 1958) is 11 years older than her husband, HSH Prince Maximilian (born May 16th, 1969). The Princely Couple's son, Prince Alfons was born in 2001. 

TAGS: JuicyChitChats-Royalty. Europe's Princess of African Descent. Princess Angela of Leichtenstein. Prince Maximilian of Leichtenstein. Prince Alfons. LiveTalkLearnProsper
HASHTAGS: #JuicyChitChatsRoyalty #EuropesPrincessOfAfricanDescent #PrincessAngelaOf Leichtenstein  #PrinceMaximilianOfLeichtenstein #PrinceAlfons #LiveTalkLearnProsper

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  1. Lovely royal family! Isn't it strange how the British tabloids deliberately don't talk about this beautiful Princess. They carry on like their royal family is the most superior.

  2. Can you just imagine. A beautiful black Princess. 11 years older than her husband and with a marriage still going strong. How come they don't write about her, look at her beautiful child. Where are all the photos?

  3. This Prince has a wonderful mind of his own, despite all the gossip and objections, he made Angela his Princess.

  4. So Europe has had a black princess for all these years and nobody told us? SMDH.

    1. Yea cos they were hoping she'd disappear. Fortunately, her Prince loves her unconditionally. She is highly respected by her family and country. This marriage is forever. Kudos to Princess Angela.


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