Thursday, June 25, 2015

POLITICS - How Will President Buhari Tame The APC

Only weeks ago the APC appeared to be a valuable and indispensable asset. She stood firmly, resolutely and faithfully for a principled agenda that aimed to usher Nigeria on to a platform worthy of enviable international recognition. Well at least, that was indeed the ticket The APC sold lock, stock and barrel.

Permit me to clarify. Imagine if Obama had to put up with such a level of in-house wranglings from his Democratic allies? One expects dissent that holds a government to ransom only from the opposing Republicans. If Washington isn't working then at least we can all blame the GOP. Actually, that's precisely what happened hence Dear President Obama's second term!  

Infighting to the point of political disruption? Nigeria can not afford this any longer. Alas, it is good to know that President Buhari has called the inevitable meeting(s) with a view to order. How will and just how well will PMB tame them such that nothing else further detracts from his own? No literary effect intended but I trust you get the picture. Nigeria must prosper o! 

(c) JuicyChitChats 2015. [Wednesday 24th June].

TAGS: President. Nigeria. Federal. Republic. Politics. Prosper.
HASHTAGS: #JuicyChitChats-Politics  #JuicyChitChats-LiveTalkLearnProsper


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