Wednesday, August 12, 2015

OPINION - BET: Will The Real BET Please Stand Up

No doubt BET's founder/CEO, Robert L. Johnson, sold his creation to Viacom many moons ago with good intentions. Personally over the years, I have not seen much significant growth and development on the network. The fact that it has taken almost forever to launch her own original scripted program (Being Mary Jane) speaks volumes and to my mind, this is certainly a problem in itself. When one considers the extensive pool of talent available, BET should being doing 100% better.

If presented with the magical ability to rewind, I believe Mr. Johnson would have promptly and wisely left his baby exactly where she was. They say patience is a virtue, if properly exercised at the time, BET's journey would not have been so unashamedly circumvented.

The truth hurts - BET could not give the Akils what they required. So obviously at this juncture, since BET is not a good fit it is therefore time for Mara Brock Akil and Salim Akil to move on. This beautiful duo that gave BET re-runs of Girlfriends, six seasons of The Game and the original new series, Being Mary Jane must be wished the utmost best at their new home, Warner Brothers Television. As we bear in mind that businesses are created for profit and prosperity, we wish the Akils the abundance of both.

What is next for BET...going forward, will she be looking for the next production duo/team or will she be employing in-house staff to create, write, direct and produce her own. There is an opportunity in every challenge. This time around while the bottle is still on the table BET's glass is half full. What is it going to take for BET to fill her own? Will BET please rise to the challenge?

Will the real BET please stand up?

(c) JuicyChitChats 2015 [Wednesday 12th August]

TAGS: JuicyChitChats-Opinion. BET. Robert L.Johnson. Mara Brock Akil. Salim Akil. Girlfriends. The Game. Being Mary Jane.  LiveTalkLearnProsper.
HASHTAGS: #JuicyChitChats-Opinion #BET #RobertLJohnson #MaraBrockAkil #SalimAkil #Girlfriends #TheGame #BeingMaryJane #JuicyChitChats-LiveTalkLearnProsper #LiveTalkLearnProsper


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