I saw The Hilarious Life of A Nigerian Medical Student on Z!koko and decided to report.
It's screaming funny!
This is by a Zikoko Writer Dami Odufuwa & Contributor aAdeola Adedeji.
Featured Images By Edu Africa.
*Consultant – A specialist in a particular area and the most senior doctor in a clinical team. *Registrar – A senior doctor in the team studying to become a consultant. *Clerking – Interviewing a patient to determine what is wrong with them.
(c) JuicyChitChats 2016 [Tuesday 23rd February]
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It's screaming funny!
When I was born, the plan was to be a baby girl for life and literally too. First day I heard… “you suck breast too much, I can’t wait for you to grow up”.
But you see, life’s not fair, I started walking and people started throwing around words like “responsible”, “house chore” etc.
School started and everything was smooth until I got to senior secondary class.
Science class, Art class or Commercial class?
Decided science class and then my mother decided to tell mummy Biola that always has an opinion about everything. Mummy Biola went..
And then "this girl likes to talk a lot. She should be a lawyer."
Meanwhile, I was like ...
So time for JAMB, I studied the brochure.
I concluded on Medicine and Surgery. So first year in school, I was ready. New baffs, who this?
Year 1 was a breeze!
Year 2, Anatomy lecturer said, "look beside you, that's your competition."
Big texts, human bones, people started calling me “D Doctorrrrrrr”, I started..
First test and our scores were pasted on the notice board, when I saw my score..
Year 2 to year 3 break, went home and dad introduced me as a doctor to his friends, I was like..
Year 3. Restrategized and was ready.
I wasn't going to fail anymore because...
First professional exam.
Meanwhile family and friends were very expectant.
Results were released and yay I passed!
Time for ward coat and actually dealing with human beings.
Things took a different turn. Each Consultant* had their rules.
When you resume in the morning you get to clinic, there are no patients.
And the Consultant announces an impromptu ward round to keep you busy.
Consultant then asked: "Whose patient is this?!" and you have not clerked.
But you signed for your clerking* partner in exchange for him to clerk your patient but he still didn’t clerk.
Consultant starts insulting you and your ancestors and a Registrar* now puts mouth.
After you finish chopping that insult from your Consultant.
Then the person that was meant to clerk comes to say sorry to you.
When you get to the hospital early the following day to clerk the patient and are feeling quite confident..
You finish presenting and the Consultant asks if you’ve seen a stupid person before and you reply..
Then he asked when last you checked the mirror.
When you forgot to ask a question from your patient but you lied to your Consultant you did.
And the consultant now asks the patient to confirm if you really did.
And the patient answers "No"
Then he asks the patient “have you seen this medical student before?” And the patient is hesitant.
Meanwhile your classmates are behind you like
After the ward round they come to pay their condolences.
But you still believe tomorrow will be better.
Exam time and everybody is like ...
You and your study partner sit in the exam hall like ...
First question - which of these is not likely to be true?
How was your paper?
And the guy that always passes comes to tell you yet again the paper was bad.
When your the first person to finish oral exams.
Then you start permutating your scores to see if you have up to 50%.
And finally you passed.
Then you finally have time to go to those weddings your friends invite you to.
But through everything your still a D Doctorrrr.
Featured Images By Edu Africa.
*Consultant – A specialist in a particular area and the most senior doctor in a clinical team. *Registrar – A senior doctor in the team studying to become a consultant. *Clerking – Interviewing a patient to determine what is wrong with them.
(c) JuicyChitChats 2016 [Tuesday 23rd February]
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EMAIL: JuicyChitChats@gmail.com
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ReplyDeleteUnbelievably funny. Too damn hilarious! LOL.