Wednesday, February 17, 2016

NEWS - Rolling Stone Magazine Names President Obama As One of The Most Successful Presidents

Rollingstone Magazine
President Barack Obama

The Nobel Prize Winning Economist and Writer Paul Krugman beautiful breaks down why all the Obama-bashing is ill-suited and “misguided”.  Critics from all angles tear apart the Obama administration but in the Rolling Stone article, Krugman wants to come to the defense of Barack Obama, even crowning him as one of our most successful presidents.  In the article, Krugman breaks down Obama’s presidency into six parts: financial reform, health care, social, economical and environmental changes and national security.
Here’s an excerpt from the article written by Paul Krugman:
Obama faces trash talk left, right and center – literally – and doesn’t deserve it. Despite bitter opposition, despite having come close to self-inflicted disaster, Obama has emerged as one of the most consequential and, yes, successful presidents in American history. His health reform is imperfect but still a huge step forward – and it’s working better than anyone expected. Financial reform fell far short of what should have happened, but it’s much more effective than you’d think. Economic management has been half-crippled by Republican obstruction, but has nonetheless been much better than in other advanced countries. And environmental policy is starting to look like it could be a major legacy.Read more RIGHT HERE

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