Tuesday, March 22, 2016

OPINION - It Appears Someone Tried To Poison Alex Iwobi ...

Twitter via Football Talk
Alex Iwobi

... so our Dear Baby Boy, 19 year old Alex Iwobi is suffering from food poisoning and is presently hospitalized. Fortunately, according to Coach Siasia,  he is stable. 

Dare I say it but from where I am sitting and typing, I honestly do not think this is a coincidence. Pardon me for being realistically and brutally honest but it is my view that the young lad was deliberately incapacitated for reasons known purely to those mean and green-eyed individuals. 

It is being reported that Alex Iwobi ate some salad with the rest of his squad. How is it that only he suffered a demise so serious that called for his immediate hospitalization? After all Alex ate the same salad "with the rest of his squad."

We are very aware certain factions across the pond wanted Alex to commit to England rather than Nigeria. He came up through their ranks. Could someone have received a hefty sum to cause the young Forward harm in order to present certain stumbling blocks along his path? If one opts to rule this presumptive possibility then another plausible explanation could simply be the sheer cruelty of another or others wishing to see this gifted and talented young man fail. Almighty God, discharge Alex Iwobi 100% healthy from hospital now in Jesus's Name, Amen. 

I pray for the young gentleman's accelerated recovery so that the purpose for his presence in his birth nation will be accomplished and fulfilled. My prayer is that God will anoint, protect, guard and keep Alex Iwobi all the days of his long life. 

On a final note, may we all extract valuable life lessons from this rather unfortunate incident for wisdom's sake. Prayer is the key so let us pray and let us stay prayed up in Jesus's Name, AMEN.  

(c) JuicyChitChats 2016 [Tuesday March 22nd]

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  1. In Jesus name Amen.

  2. Poor thing. How come he was the only one who suffered food poisoning? This is not too difficult for me to believe as anything is possible. I wish Alex a speedy recovery back to the football pitch.

  3. Seems all too coincidental :(

    1. Precisely. I can believe this story cos some people can be very wicked. I don't think it was a coincidence. An attempt was made to stop Alex but those behind the dastardly act failed miserably. Not a good idea to end up in a Nigerian hospital. Alex must be careful about what he puts in his mouth.


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