Thursday, March 3, 2016

PHOTO NEWS - Swedish Royal Family Attend Te Deum To Give Thanks and Praise To God

King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neill, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia attended the “Te Deum” church service at the Royal Chapel in Stockholm, Sweden
King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia

Te Deum is an early Christian hymn of praise. (In Latin: God, We Praise You). Praises to God the Father and Christ the Son are sung on occasions of public rejoicing. 

Earlier on today, the Royal Chapel held a religious service in honor of the newborn Prince Oscar Carl Olof, Duke of Skane. King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill attended the Te Deum Church Service. 

King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neill, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia attended the “Te Deum” church service at the Royal Chapel in Stockholm, Sweden
Prince Daniel and Princess Estelle

King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neill, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia attended the “Te Deum” church service at the Royal Chapel in Stockholm, Sweden
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia

King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neill, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia attended the “Te Deum” church service at the Royal Chapel in Stockholm, Sweden
Princess Madeline and Christopher O'Neill

King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neill, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia attended the “Te Deum” church service at the Royal Chapel in Stockholm, Sweden
The Swedish Royal Family 

(c) JuicyChitChats 2016 [Thursday March 3rd]

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TAGS: JuicyChitChat-Royalty. Te Deum. Prince Oscar. King Carl Gustaf. Queen Silvia. Prince Daniel. Princess Estelle. Prince Carl Philip. Princess Sofia. Princess Madeline. Christopher O'neill. LiveTalkLearnProsper!
HASHTAGS: JuicyChitChats-Royalty #PrinceOscar #TeDeum #SwedishRoyalFamily #LiveTalkLearnProsper


  1. I like this idea of having a special service to give thanks to God Almighty for the birth of a new child. Love the Swedish Royal Family. Beautiful people.

  2. Glory be to God in the deeeee highest AMEN!!!


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