Wednesday, March 23, 2016

POLITICS - How Low Will Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Go? #USADirtyPolitics

What on earth does Donald Trump have on Ted Cruz's wife? Is The Don bluffing or simply lying just to stay ahead in the race for the GOP Nomination? The pressing question is why did Ted Cruz use a photo of Donald Trump's wife for one of his ads in the first place? Why couldn't Donald Trump be the bigger man, after all, he is older and therefore ought to be much wiser. When pushed to the wall just how low will Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and their political rivals go?

I for one have never seen the race for the White House this filthy. The unspoken creed is that one does not use family members for political bashing or gain. This style of  USA Dirty Politics has no place in the United States of America. It must not survive and it certainly must not thrive.

(c) JuicyChitChats 2016 [Wednesday March 23rd]

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TAGS: JuicyChitChats-Politics. Donald Trump. Ted Cruz. USA Dirty Politics. LiveTalkLearnProsper!
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  1. He's talking too much and doing too much. It's time for Trump to take a chill pill and calm down. He's gonna learn not to take the bait otherwise he will look foolish. Obama went through a lot before becoming President, he entered the White House by behaving as peaceful as a dove. Trump needs to be careful and learn that silence is golden, he mustn't always answer.


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