Tuesday, March 8, 2016

SPORTS - Cameron Newton Applauds and Honors Peyton Manning

Cameron1Newton via Instagram
Peyton Manning and Cameron Newton

I am grateful to have shared the field in your LAST game but most importantly I am grateful to have mimicked a style you created to bring out the best in MË! And that style is/was mastering the art of: PREPARAT1ØN. You have changed this game in ways you will never no and I admire the man you are on and off the field. You set the bar H1GH....extremelyH1GH and knowing your family, I know that's just the norm. I came into this league gagging and still gagging my talents to this day off of the things that YOÜ have done and accomplished; because you are and you will FOREVER be the STANDARD! So long SHER1FF! 

(c) JuicyChitChats 2016 [Tuesday March 8th]

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TAGS: JuicyChitChats-Sports. Cameron Newton. Carolina Panthers. Peyton Manning. Denver Bronchos. LiveTalkLearnProsper!
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