Wednesday, April 13, 2016

SPORTS - Tim DeFrancesco Thanks Kobe Bryant For Extending Finish Line

LA Lakers/Twitter
Tim DeFrancesco and Kobe Bryant

LA Lakers Head S & C Coach, Tim DeFrancesco shouted out to Kobe Bryant: "Thank you for extending the finish line when most would have called it a wrap!"

(c) JuicyChitChats 2016. [Wednesday 13th April]

TAGS: JuicyChitChats-Sports. NBA. LA Lakers. Kobe Bryant. Tim DeFrancesco. LiveTalkLearnProsper!
HASHTAGS: #JuicyChitChats-Sports #NBA #LALakers #KobeBryant #TimDeFrancesco #LiveTalkLearnProsper


  1. This is an honor coming from the strength & conditioning coach!

  2. These coaches do a great job for all athletes. It's good to know Kobe's grateful.


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