GoFundMe/Chauncy's Chance
Chauncy Black
"I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. "
- The Holy Bible. Ecclesiastes 9 Verse 11 KJV.
Matt White set up a GoFundMe page and video campaign for Chauncy Jones Black.
Chauncy Black and Matt White
In order to fully appreciate this incredible story, I ask that you please patiently read Matt White's original GoFundMe post and also watch the video below.
"I didn't think it could happen, but it did. I'm 30 years old and I have a new hero.
And he's 16.
His name is Chauncy Jones Black, and last week, by God's beautiful design, he met me. I'll never forget it, here comes this kid inside the Highland Kroger asking if he could help take my groceries to my car in exchange for buying him some glazed donuts.
He had me at donuts. lol
What followed was perhaps one of the most cherished experiences of my life. That night, in a fun-filled shopping spree together, I was able to share in Chauncy's life, learn his story, and for at least one night, help him with his struggle.
Chauncy lives in Memphis with his disabled mother. He is a straight A student who is doing his best to make it in a world with no money and very few resources. He wants to work and help his mother financially. He wants to become a successful business owner and offer jobs and opportunites to others in his community. What so many can take for granted, he wants. He wants food, he wants a bed, he wants to work and he wants a chance.
I've created this go fund me page to help Chauncy have that chance. It starts small. A simple act of kindness, but it can ripple out and create an ocean of prosperity in the world.
The first step is to get Chauncy's basic needs covered and to get him working. Right now he doesn't have an ID so he cannot apply for regular jobs until he gets that handled (we're working on that). Until then, he says he likes mowing lawns. So my hope is to raise enough money to get him a push mower.
(Edit: when I started this 4 days ago, never in my wildest dreams did I think something like this would happen!! I started by asking for $250 to get Chauncy a lawn mower, lol!!! Oh my goodness !!! People have been showering Chauncy and his mother in an ocean of love and support. At this rate, I have started talking to some people about helping find them a house of there own!!! Can you imagine?! They could go from not being able to pay rent to owning home owners!!! All because of the love of strangers. This is really happening?!?! Yes, it absolutely is. Thank you all so much!! God bless you all!!!!)
Right now, Chauncy is in desperate need of clothing and a bed. He sleeps on the floor in a room with no AC. His clothing sizes are:
Pants: 16 (this is what he says, but neither his mother nor he are too sure, so until I take him to get measured, it might be best to go size 18 and we'll use a belt if need be). They're not sure the length either, but he's 5'3".
Shirt: Small
Shoes: 8 1/2
A $10 Ross giftcard would mean the world to this kid. You can see in his face how ashamed he is of his tattered clothes.
Also, ff you have clothes for his mother, she will be so appreciative of it. She informed me that all of their posessions were stolen a few monts ago, including all her clothes.
Her sizes are:
Pants: 12
Shirts: medium
Shoes: 8 1/2 womens
They really don't have any possessions except a couch and a few lamps. So if you have any items you think might be useful to him or his mother, I know they will greatly appreciate it. His mother said that she'd really love to be able to learn to play piano and also to just enjoy music in her house. So any old CD players or speakers would be perfect. Right now they live in silence. They truly have nothing.
But here's where you can make the biggest difference: if you have job or work opportunites for Chauncy and would share some time with him and encourage him while he does some odd jobs around your house--this could change his life. His spirit is nearly broken and will take some mending. He has been poor his entire life and he needs encouragement and kindness from friends and mentors to help heal these wounds. If you have an opportunity like this for him, no matter how small, I will happily get him a ride to and from.
It's so rare that we get an opportunity to affect so much change on one life. I think back to how many people poured into my life with their generosity, time, money, encouragement, and it brings me to tears. The impact that those people had on my life can never be measured. I am so grateful for the lives we share with one another, so grateful for each and every one of God's children. I cannot thank you enough for caring about Chauncy. This is his big chance, and you're making it possible. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.
P.S. Please don't think that any amount of money is too small. Honestly, $5 is plenty. You shouldn't feel you have to give any more than that. I believe there are enough people who care about Chauncy and his cause that with $5 each, we will pass the goal easily.
(Edit) I keep raising the goal because people just keep giving and giving to them, it's unreal. It would be a dream come true if we could raise enough money to get them their own place. God teaches us to dream and pray big. So I am. Thank you again.
If you have any furniture you'd like to deliver to Chauncy or his mother, she gave me permission to put their address here (edit)
for their safety, seeing as they've been robbed once before, I've taken down their address. Please feel free to contact me through a Facebook message for it. Thanks so much.
If you have any items you'd like to donate to them but can't deliver, you can email me at:
and me or someone else can come pick it up from you.
Chauncy and I will be going to church each sunday at Hope Pres at the 11:15 service if you'd like to come hang with us. We go out for ice cream afterward and have a lot of fun!
Thank you again for being willing to touch a life, to make a difference, to give Chauncy a chance."
And he's 16.
His name is Chauncy Jones Black, and last week, by God's beautiful design, he met me. I'll never forget it, here comes this kid inside the Highland Kroger asking if he could help take my groceries to my car in exchange for buying him some glazed donuts.
He had me at donuts. lol
What followed was perhaps one of the most cherished experiences of my life. That night, in a fun-filled shopping spree together, I was able to share in Chauncy's life, learn his story, and for at least one night, help him with his struggle.
Chauncy lives in Memphis with his disabled mother. He is a straight A student who is doing his best to make it in a world with no money and very few resources. He wants to work and help his mother financially. He wants to become a successful business owner and offer jobs and opportunites to others in his community. What so many can take for granted, he wants. He wants food, he wants a bed, he wants to work and he wants a chance.
I've created this go fund me page to help Chauncy have that chance. It starts small. A simple act of kindness, but it can ripple out and create an ocean of prosperity in the world.
The first step is to get Chauncy's basic needs covered and to get him working. Right now he doesn't have an ID so he cannot apply for regular jobs until he gets that handled (we're working on that). Until then, he says he likes mowing lawns. So my hope is to raise enough money to get him a push mower.
(Edit: when I started this 4 days ago, never in my wildest dreams did I think something like this would happen!! I started by asking for $250 to get Chauncy a lawn mower, lol!!! Oh my goodness !!! People have been showering Chauncy and his mother in an ocean of love and support. At this rate, I have started talking to some people about helping find them a house of there own!!! Can you imagine?! They could go from not being able to pay rent to owning home owners!!! All because of the love of strangers. This is really happening?!?! Yes, it absolutely is. Thank you all so much!! God bless you all!!!!)
Right now, Chauncy is in desperate need of clothing and a bed. He sleeps on the floor in a room with no AC. His clothing sizes are:
Pants: 16 (this is what he says, but neither his mother nor he are too sure, so until I take him to get measured, it might be best to go size 18 and we'll use a belt if need be). They're not sure the length either, but he's 5'3".
Shirt: Small
Shoes: 8 1/2
A $10 Ross giftcard would mean the world to this kid. You can see in his face how ashamed he is of his tattered clothes.
Also, ff you have clothes for his mother, she will be so appreciative of it. She informed me that all of their posessions were stolen a few monts ago, including all her clothes.
Her sizes are:
Pants: 12
Shirts: medium
Shoes: 8 1/2 womens
They really don't have any possessions except a couch and a few lamps. So if you have any items you think might be useful to him or his mother, I know they will greatly appreciate it. His mother said that she'd really love to be able to learn to play piano and also to just enjoy music in her house. So any old CD players or speakers would be perfect. Right now they live in silence. They truly have nothing.
But here's where you can make the biggest difference: if you have job or work opportunites for Chauncy and would share some time with him and encourage him while he does some odd jobs around your house--this could change his life. His spirit is nearly broken and will take some mending. He has been poor his entire life and he needs encouragement and kindness from friends and mentors to help heal these wounds. If you have an opportunity like this for him, no matter how small, I will happily get him a ride to and from.
It's so rare that we get an opportunity to affect so much change on one life. I think back to how many people poured into my life with their generosity, time, money, encouragement, and it brings me to tears. The impact that those people had on my life can never be measured. I am so grateful for the lives we share with one another, so grateful for each and every one of God's children. I cannot thank you enough for caring about Chauncy. This is his big chance, and you're making it possible. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.
P.S. Please don't think that any amount of money is too small. Honestly, $5 is plenty. You shouldn't feel you have to give any more than that. I believe there are enough people who care about Chauncy and his cause that with $5 each, we will pass the goal easily.
(Edit) I keep raising the goal because people just keep giving and giving to them, it's unreal. It would be a dream come true if we could raise enough money to get them their own place. God teaches us to dream and pray big. So I am. Thank you again.
If you have any furniture you'd like to deliver to Chauncy or his mother, she gave me permission to put their address here (edit)
for their safety, seeing as they've been robbed once before, I've taken down their address. Please feel free to contact me through a Facebook message for it. Thanks so much.
If you have any items you'd like to donate to them but can't deliver, you can email me at:
and me or someone else can come pick it up from you.
Chauncy and I will be going to church each sunday at Hope Pres at the 11:15 service if you'd like to come hang with us. We go out for ice cream afterward and have a lot of fun!
Thank you again for being willing to touch a life, to make a difference, to give Chauncy a chance."
Chauncy's Chance.
Published 13th June, 2016.
"This is Chauncy Jones Black. He's a hard working kid from West Memphis who wants to make something out of himself. Let's give him that chance." - Matt White
Matt said to WMC-TV: "He just looked like a good kid who was hungry. He looked like he had been turned down a bunch of times."
Instead of donuts, White bought Chauncy a grocery cart full of food for him and his mother. He struck up a conversation with Black about his financial struggles, and his desire to start a landscaping business to help his mother with rent.
Matt said: "It just caught fire, people went crazy, everyone loves Chauncy."
He has further elaborated that the money will be put in a Trust that can be used on Chauncy's education and to help his family move into a house."I
Black said: "It's getting up. It's getting up. We getting better now." He also told the News Network that he plans to meet with Attorneys and Financial Advisors this week end to help him with the money.
Furthermore, media outlets are buzzing with the excellent good news that as of today, June 26th, the original target of $250 now stands at $231,525 ... and is still rising. How beautifully divine! God Bless Matt White.
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
SOURCE - GoFundMe.com/Chauncy's Chance
JuicyChitChats 2016. [Sunday, 26th June]
TAGS: JuicyChitChats-Life Lessons. Chauncy's Chance. Matt White. Kindness. Thoughtfulness. Consideration. Favor. Mentoring. Chauncy Jones Black. Diligence. GoFundMe. WMC-TV, Memphis. Tennessee.
HASHTAGS: #JuicyChitChats-LifeLessons #ChauncysChance #MattWhite #Kindness #Thoughtfulness #Consideration #Helpfulness #Favor #Mentoring #ChauncyJonesBlack #Diligence #GoFundMe #WMC-TV #Memphis #Tennessee #DivineChance
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
The Holy Bible. Hebrews 13 verse 2. KJV.
SOURCE - GoFundMe.com/Chauncy's Chance
JuicyChitChats 2016. [Sunday, 26th June]
TAGS: JuicyChitChats-Life Lessons. Chauncy's Chance. Matt White. Kindness. Thoughtfulness. Consideration. Favor. Mentoring. Chauncy Jones Black. Diligence. GoFundMe. WMC-TV, Memphis. Tennessee.
HASHTAGS: #JuicyChitChats-LifeLessons #ChauncysChance #MattWhite #Kindness #Thoughtfulness #Consideration #Helpfulness #Favor #Mentoring #ChauncyJonesBlack #Diligence #GoFundMe #WMC-TV #Memphis #Tennessee #DivineChance
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