The Obamas
The First Family on The White House Lawn
The President, The First Lady and First Daughter, Malia
at The President's Farewell Address in Chicago.
at The President's Farewell Address in Chicago.
"Thank you for everything. My last ask is the same as the first. I'm asking you to believe - not in my ability to create change, but in yours." - President Barack Obama.
(c) Youtube/Global News
President Barack Obama's Farewell Address (Full Speech).
For the full TEXT please click right here at THE NEW YORK TIMES
Chris Cilliza's article "President Obama's Farewell Speech Was a Remarkable Pep Talk On Democracy" presents interesting VIEWPOINT. For further details from The Fix please click right here at THE WASHIINGTON POST
TAGS: JuicyChitChats-News. 44th POTUS. President Barack Obama's Farewell Address. Chicago. New York Times. Washington Post. LiveTalkLearnProsper!
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Two terms are up. Obama's been a good President.
ReplyDeleteThe list goes on, it's time to say goodbye and move onto different and new things. All the greats like Tim Duncan, Ray Allen, Matt Bonner, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett and Peyton Manning must be getting used to their new lives. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will do the same. Good luck to all of them and then some.
ReplyDeleteMalia looks just like her dad