Sunday, February 12, 2017

NEWS - Lady Re-United With Her 150 Year Old Antique Wedding Dress

Image result for tess newall wedding dress
Tess Newall 

Tess got married to Alfred Newall in June 2016 in her Great-Great Grandmother's wedding dress. The antique heirloom was also worn by her Great-Grandmother, Grandmother and Mother. 

She was deeply distressed when the wedding dress got lost at the dry cleaners. The problem was that the Edinburgh, Scotland dry cleaners went out of business causing the dress to go astray. Fortunately after plenty of social media attention and intervention, the dress was eventually found in a heap at the shuttered store. 

29 year old Tess Newall is completely "over the moon." The family is delighted at the ultra valuable antique piece's return which will certainly be worn by the next generation of daughters. 

TAGS: JuicyChitChats-News. Tess Newall. Antique Wedding Dress. LiveTalkLearnProsper! JuicyChitChatsFebruary12th2017. 
HASHTAGS: #JuicyChitChatsNews #TessNewall #AntiqueWeddingDress #150YearOldWeddingDress #LiveTalkLearnProsper #JuicyChitChatsFebruary12th2017. 


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