Tuesday, February 14, 2017

SCIENCE - Orange Alligator Shocks Residents While On Neighborhood Stroll

(Photo: Stephen Tantrum)
Orange Alligator Spotted By South Carolina Residents

Hanahan residents were dealt an unusual shock when an orange alligator was spotted roaming around their neighborhood. Alligators are often seen and are quite common to the vicinity. The orange gator has been given several monikers including: Rusty, Hanahan Hank and Trumpgator. One of the locals joked, "maybe he goes to the same self-tanner place as Trump." 

Jay Butfiloski, Alligator Program Coordinator with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources said "I think it's related to where it's hanging out for the winter. It might be iron oxide (rust) that has discolored it. It may be using a rusty steel culvert pipe - I would bet there is one nearby. I've seen similar pictures before. 

Echoing similar thoughts, Dean Harrigal, Wildlife Coordinator of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources thinks the color is not genetic. He said, "could be rusty pipe but most likely it is iron oxide precipitating on its skin. This happens when you have water with high iron content and low pH occurs and it is precipitated onto something it can adhere to. I routinely see this on ducks feathers from our coastal waterfowl areas."  

Hanahan is located just outside Charleston, South Carolina. Residents exercising extreme caution as it was in the very nearby Monck Corner that an alligator strolled up to somebody home and proceeded to attempt to ring the door bell.

Image result for alligator ringing doorbell
Alligator Attempts To Ring Monck Corner Home Door Bell

TAGS: JuicyChitChats-Science. Orange Alligator. Wildlife. LiveTalkLearnProsper! JuicyChitChats2142017
HASHTAGS: #JuicyChitChatsScience #OrangeAlligator #LiveTalkLearnProsper #JuicyChitChats2142017

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  1. It's an albino croc! The croc ringing door bell or opening the door is urbanized, that's what makes this so damn frightening!!!

  2. Alligators and crocodiles, same family. Both are scary creatures. I can't understand they are allowed to roam so freely among in the human environment.

  3. The gator's like "this is my house"

  4. This is extremely terrifying. Imagine waking up, hearing a door bell, answering it and seeing that kind of monster outside of your crib lol smh. Sheesh

  5. What is going on in America

  6. Maybe he was spray painted

  7. 😂😂😂😂😂

  8. 😂😂😂😂


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