Thursday, January 3, 2013

What Is On Your 2013 Wishlist?

Believe it or not, I am still trying to figure out where all the days and months of 2012 went. Dare I say it but as a child I could not care less about time....not that this revelation will be surprising news to millions below a certain age. Now that I have put away childish things, it has not escaped by attention that time never sleeps, slumbers or delays but rather is quicker than a Supersonic Concorde. What's that? I hear some of you worries, please google....So where exactly have the years gone?

Millions have made at least one resolution. I imagine that the number one item on the majority's wishlist is simply to find the strength to keep that one dear resolution in the first instance! This is particularly applicable to those above a certain age. So, whatever is on your list,  please remember to add gratitude, grace, love, joy, favor, goodness, prosperity, hope, divine guidance, divine guardianship, divine protection, divine health, divine wealth, divine wisdom, divine knowledge, divine understanding and divine other words, you will not lack  any good thing because as you talk with God, you walk with God .....He will indeed reward your obedient faith. His word says that if you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you.

God bless you, God smile on you and cause His face to shine upon you each and every day of 2013.

Happy New Year to You and Yours :) xo

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