Monday, February 23, 2015

The Oscars: Celebrity Pomp, Pride and Circumstance!

Prior to yesterdays telecast, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences handed out its Board of Governor Awards and its Scientific and Technical (Sci-Tech)  Awards. These two special events are normally awarded separately to the selected few in smaller venues albeit in similar grandeur and appreciation. It is always such a blessing to see snippets of these two very special ceremonies during the Academy Awards and yesterday was no exception. Congratulations to them all.
Most workers belong to institutes, associations, guilds, unions, academies and other renowned organisations. It is only right and fitting that those who work in television, theater, radio, motion picture arts and sciences industries should be rewarded accordingly. Like everybody, these Artists are professionals. These days, majority of them have excellent educational qualifications. The compelling difference? The-Land-of-Make-Believe. There has always been a fascination with this Industry. One can understand why the Academy's President, Ms. Cheryl Isaacs Boone, thought it necessary to thank the world wide viewing public for going to The Movies. Their job is to entertain us and we in turn, pay them handsomely for doing so while expecting the maintenance, growth and development of certain standards.

As a child, I was incredibly curious and yearned to learn about film making. After writing, directing, producing and staging a Play a few years ago, I came to embrace a very simple yet healthy understanding of the Entertainment Industry. In order to do a good job, the Artist must live in a manner that self-nurtures, self-nourishes, self-sustains and self-enriches. Plenty of exercise and a good diet tripled with a penchant for creativity can only be good for one's well-being and mental articulation.  Is it any wonder that their best is consistently presented at these professional award ceremonies? This is what they are paid to do. Can we imagine anything less? Dare I say it but for the purposes of Motion Pictures, everyday folk view these Artists as Living-Objects-of-Make-Believe.

Spit 'n' polish, spic 'n' span. Haute Couture Designers and High Fashion Stylists accelerate their peddles in the posh lane order to dress these aptly named A-Listers. Magnificently resplendent outfits, jewels and classic heels adorn the red carpet. The Artists are holders of the dream and can not afford to fail, part of their professional duty is to present as true to the cause as much possible, they must also impress their viewing public with good wholesome manners. Success in this undertaking inevitably translates into celebrated admiration for the winners, nominees and vested interest parties.

Well sure, these professional ceremonies must be accompanied by Celebrity Pomp, Pride and Circumstance. Be honest, can you see this working any other way? I doubt it. So in spite of the odd controversy, 2014 was a year of impeccable films. I say, congratulations to all the Winners and Nominees. Well done to the Academy and all Motion Picture Artists for such splendid work. See you at the 88th by God's Grace.

(c) JuicyChitChats 2015

1 comment:

  1. Big congrats to the winners and all the nominees of the Oscar award, you guys did a very good job last year. Looking ahead for more.
    Thanks to the juicy chit chats for the full gist


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