Monday, July 27, 2015

NEWS UPDATE - CNBC Africa Eats Humble Pie Apologizes To Oby Ezekwesili

Oby Ezekwesili 

Last Friday, CNBC Africa gaffed over a couple of high-powered World Bank appointments held by women, all of whom happen to be Nigerian. JuicyChitChats published: CNBC Africa Is Wrong Must Stand Corrected. Please read our assessment at this click. 

Since weekend web traffic eases off somewhat, I thought it better to post CNBC Africa's apology to Mrs, Oby Ezekwesili today. Regardless of portion, humble pie is so good for the soul. 

[   "At CNBC Africa we celebrate the success of all extraordinary African Women. Sometimes our enthusiasm gets ahead of ourselves."   ] @cnbcafrica Jul 25th

[   "Thank you @ObyEzeks, our error is sincerely regretted."   ] @cnbcafrica Jul 25th

Twittersphere continued with:

[   "CNBC Africa finally apologizes to Oby Ekekwesili after being unnecessarily arrogant"   ] JJ.Omojuwa @Omojuwa July  26 2015

[   "CNBC apologises to Oby Ezekwesili for misrepresentation of Arunma Oteh's World Bank Appointment"   ]   Oby Ezekwesili @obyezeks July 26 2015

(c) JuicyChitChats 2015 [Monday 27th July]

TAGS: News. World Bank. Vice President. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. Oby Ezekwesili. Arunma Oteh. Prosper!
HASHTAGS: JuicyChitChats-News #NOIweala #Obyezeks #ArunmaOteh #WorldBank #LiveTalkLearnProsper #JuicyChitChats-LiveTalkLearnProsper


  1. Glad they apologized

  2. What is the lesson? Always check facts before printing rubbish lol.


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