Sunday, August 23, 2015

NEWS - Honor Julian Bond: 1940-2015 - Saturday August 22nd

Southern Poverty Law Center 

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MLK Memorial/Joe Madison-The Black Eagle/SPLC


Facebook/Jonah at Lake Merced, San Francisco, CA/SPLC

Facebook/Civil Rights Memorial, Montgomery, Alabama/SPLC

Facebook/Simpson County Kentucky/SPLC

Facebook/Gratitude/Westpoint, MA/SPLC

Facebook/Washington D.C./SPLC

Facebook / Playa Del Rey, CA / SPLC

Facebook/Charlottesville, Virginia/SPLC

Facebook/Chico, CA/SPLC

Facebook/San Francisco Bay, CA/SPLC

Facebook/Hudson River, NYC/SPLC

Facebook/Mississippi River, MS/SPLC

Facebook/The Gulf of Mexico/SPLC

Facebook/Christopher Pier, Hudson River, NYC/SPLC

Facebook/Arkansas River, Tulsa,OK/SPLC

Facebook/Mohawk River, Rome, NY/SPLC

Facebook/London, Ontario, Canada/SPLC

Facebook/Swover Creek/Edinburg, VA/SPLC

Facebook/Potomac River, Alexandria, VA/SPLC

Facebook/Lake Michigan


Facebook/The King Center, Atlanta/SPLC

Facebook/NAACP Atlanta/NAACP DeKalb/SPLC

Facebook/Missouri River, Omaha. NE/SPLC

Facebook/Palmer Lake, Colorado/SPLC

Facebook/Pensacola, FL/SPLC

Facebook/Milwaukee, WI/SPLC

Facebook/Mansfield, PA/SPLC

Facebook/Aitkin, MN/SPLC

Facebook/Baltimore, MD/SPLC

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Twitter/Eleanor H. Norton

Twitter/SReverby/Harbor & Pier, Wellfleet, MA

Sir Julian Bond was indeed honored yesterday.  His memory will be honored for ever.
Rest in perfect peace Sir.

(c) JuicyChitChats 2015 [Sunday 23rd August]

TAGS: JuicyChitChats-News. Julian Bond. Honor Julian Bond. Flower Release. Civil Rights. Social Justice. LiveTalkLearnProsper
HASHTAGS: #JuicyChitChats-News #JulianBond #HonorJulianBond #JulianBondFlowerRelease #CivilRights #Social Justice #JuicyChitChats-LiveTalkLearnProsper #LiveTalkLearnProsper


  1. Water is one of the symbols of The Holy Spirit. At 2pm central time, I was indoors and let my faucet releasing plenty of water. My Family gathered and prayed with thanksgiving to God Almighty for a life well lived. Julian Bond now rests in perfect peace and we will always remember and honor him for good.

  2. A deeply meaningful experience. Rest in peace Mr. Bond.


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