Universal Pictures/Wikipedia
Original Theatrical Poster by Drew Struzan

Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly

Christopher Lloyd as Dr. Emmett Brown
Christopher Lloyd as Dr. Emmett Brown

DOC: "We're descending towards Hill Valley, California, at 4.29 PM, on Wednesday 21, October, 2015"
MARTY: "2015? You mean we're in the future?"
In the 1989 Robert Zemeckis directed film, Back To The Future II, Marty McFly traveled to October 21st 2015 to save his children who were yet to be born in the first and original 1985 installment film, Back To The Future.
Yesterday, was indeed Back To The Future Day - a dream come true for film buffs such as myself and millions of others. "Time is in flux, the future is today!" Absolutely, there were celebrations all around: movie houses screened the Back To The Future Trilogy, Universal Pictures created a Jaws 19 trailer; Mattel and Universal produced an advert for the fictional child's hoverboard as seen in the original film; USA Today re-printed a page similar to the film; video games released down loadable content like LittleBigPlanet 3 and Rocket League; Nike created the very same Nike Mag shoes Michael J. Fox wore in the original film - to be sold at auction to benefit The Michael J. Fox Parkinson's Foundation - to help conduct research into Parkinson's disease. Nintendo released a Wii Virtual Console version of a game that Marty McFly played in the 80s cafe. Brands such as Pepsi, Toyota, Ford and so many others created products of sorts to commemorate.
Even the White House got in on the act.

There is plenty to be said for artistic creativity and there is plenty to be said for scientific creativity. Our lives are all the more nourished, enriched and blessed for such incredible, wonderful works. Well done to the entire crew and cast.
(c) JuicyChitChats 2015. [Thursday 22nd October]
TAGS: JuicyChitChats-News. JuicyChitChats-Film. Back To The Future II. Back To The Future Trilogy. Back The Future Day Wednesday October 21, 2015. LiveTalkLearnProsper
HASHTAGS: #JuicyChitChats-News #JuicyChitChats-Film #BackToTheFuture #BackToTheFutureDay #WednesdayOctober212015 #LiveTalkLearnProsper
You learn something new everyday. This is a good write up. Thanks. Must get the DVD set.