Thursday, February 18, 2016

NEWS - Widow In Court For Owing 20 Years Rent


Mrs. Elizabeth Adeoni, a 70 year old widow has been arraigned in an Osogbo Court for owing 20 years rent. Her landlord Mr. Lateef Adegoke told the Court that his tenant had not paid any rent since 1995. He urged the Court ensure Mrs. Adeoni vacates the house and pays up.

Mrs. Adeoni weeping profusely, told the Court that life became extremely difficult for her when her husband died and matters only got worse when she lost two children.

She has nowhere else to go and live. The Judge urged her not to lose hope but rather find something to do in order to be able to pay her rent. The case is adjourned until March 15th.

(c) JuicyChitChats

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