Saturday, February 20, 2016

WHAAAT! - The Blatant Discrimination Against Albinos

Albinisitic man portrait.jpg
A Young Boy of Black Ethnicity With Albinism

So the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) will be creating distinctly separate Centers for Albinos. Apparently the "Special Albino Centers" will have the right ventilation and lighting to make sure they are not discriminated against.

Say it ain't so Nigeria! I know my educated people know 100% better.

Is there no other way around this ... is this not emphasizing discrimination even further? Talk about inverted discrimination. Is it not possible for Albinos to share centers with non-Albinos but perhaps go into a different room or hall for appropriately regulated ventilation and lighting control? Why on earth must Albinos go to completely different Centers to sit their senior school exams?

WAEC must find nicer ways to get around this challenge.  In everyday life, people in wheelchairs are seated among the non wheel-chaired. Blind people move freely among the non-blind. Why must Albinos be distinctly separated and categorized in order to sit the 2016 West African Senior School Certificate Exams?

No doubt the WAEC officers have good intentions but this plan does not make a good picture. Surely special provision must be made for Albinos within all Centers - there is no other way forward.

On Tuesday, just a day after Grammys 2016, Musician Stevie Wonder said: "we need to make every single thing accessible to every single person with disabilities." Somebody please send WAEC the memo:  it has to be absolute accessibility to all with disabilities, including all Albinos.

(c) JuicyChitChats 2015. [Saturday 20th February]

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  1. These people are not avatars. Why the discrimination?

  2. Exactly. How can the WAEC plan be a better solution. The same center but may a different room because of the challenges. No need to discriminate and isolate them for the human race while sitting this exam.


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