Monday, April 25, 2016

NEWS - UK's Independent Tries To Erase Prince's Blackness By Labeling Him "Mixed Race"

Prince's Parents: John Lewis Nelson and Mattie Della Shaw Nelson Baker

Umm ... sorry ... Prince was unapologetically black.

Several poignant think pieces have been posted over the last 24 hours about Prince's life and his contributions to music, pop culture, activism and style. But there's one think piece that has caught the ire of many people. Especially since it totally labeled the icon "mixed race."

The writer of the piece on the United Kingdom's Independent website wrote about how she related to Prince because of his artistry, as well as the fact that he was mixed race, like she is.

But ... ummm, she obviously isn't that much of a Prince fan. If she were, she would know that Prince wasn't mixed race.

Just because the woman playing his mother in Purple Rain was white doesn't mean his real mother was.

Mattie Della Baker, pictured above, was a black woman.

John Lewis Nelson, pictured above, was a black man.

When two black people get together and procreate, they make black babies. Those babies may be light-skinned, dark-skinned or something in between. It's called genes.

Now, I understand the writer's love for and fascination with Prince, but how dare she try to downplay his blackness! Prince reveled in his blackness. He even shaded white people in one song and referred to them as devils.

I understand there are issues in the U.K. when it comes to being, their fancy word, "coloured." But keep those issues to yourselves.

Prince was black. Will always be black. And was proud of it.

SOURCE - The Root BY Yesha Callahan - April 22nd, 2016.


  1. The silly Brits always talking about things out of tune. How many successful black or colored British musicians have they produced for the world? At least America helps her children succeed in life, the same can not be said for the UK cos they are too busy discriminating. SMH.

    1. Very true. I've always wondered why black Brits are not as successful as black Americans. White Brits are extremely snobbish & territorial. The UK does not encourage enterprise and the average Brit will insult you for trying to make greatness out of your life. They are always putting people down, look at the way they treat the Beckhams! They don't even appreciate their own black artists unless some other foreign country points it out to them. What a crazy mindset.

  2. I can see where Prince got his looks from.


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