Mentor, Boxing Coach and Police Officer, Joe Martin With Muhammad Ali
His bike was stolen, he went to the police station to report the matter. The teenager told Police Officer Joe Martin that he was going to "whup" the culprit ... Joe Martin said: "Your gonna have to learn to fight first." The rest is history.

Twitter/Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer, Jole Burghy
(Joe Martin's Grand Daughter) and Her Husband Daniel.
Joe Martin Was The Police Officer Who Taught Muhammad Ali To Box.
Muhammad Ali Riding With Neighborhood Children

Muhammad Ali Riding For Fun
After yesterday afternoon's Jenazah Prayer Service, to celebrate Muhammad Ali's extraordinary life, local people and tourists participated in a 6pm Greatest Ride which toured the Muhammad Ali landmarks around Louisville.

Louisville Prepares For The Greatest Ride
With Bikes Similar To The One Stolen From Ali.

Back To Where It All Started For Ali.
The Former Home of The Columbia Gym Now Spaulding University Where His Bike Was Stolen.

Cyclists Tour Muhammad Ali Landmarks During The Greatest Ride.

Outside Louisville Central High School
Where Muhammad Ali Graduated in 1960.

The Greatest Ride Outside
Muhammad Ali's Childhood Home On Grand Avenue.

Hundreds Participate In The Greatest Ride.
The Louisville Native's final ride will be his funeral procession which commences at 9am local time.

Muhammad Ali's Funeral Procession
(c) JuicyChitChats 2016. [Friday June 9th]
TAGS: JuicyChitChats-News. Muhammad Ali. MuhammadiAliGreatestRide LiveTalkLearnProsper!
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I love the first photo. It's one of great pride and joy. Joe Martins reached out to this kid at a time of deep segregation. The bicycle story is unbelievable. Thank God for the Joe Martins of this world. He invested in a young boy and helped prosper his life, family, community, country and world. There are still lots of good police officers out there.