Sunday, February 12, 2017

NEWS - Davido Vows To Serve God The Rest of His Life


Musician, Davido, in celebratory, reflective mood has plenty to be thankful for. He stepped out of his home this morning with a great feel of The Trinity God to accompany his Christian walk. 

"Happy Sunday Peeps! Come and see the Lord is good! I vow to serve you for the rest of my life. Everlasting Father! 2017 will be great for us!" 

To which we say a resounding Amen!

TAGS: JuicyChitChats-News. Davido. LiveTalkLearnProsper! JuicyChitChatsFebruary12th2017.
HASHTAGS: #JuicyChitChatsNews #Davido #LiveTalkLearnProsper #JuicyChitChatsFebruary12th2017


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