Sunday, February 15, 2015

What Would You Do with $188 Million?

Where there is life, there is plenty of hope. If one does not seek, one will not find; if one does not knock, the door will not be opened.  If one does not make an attempt at something good, one can only make conjectures about possible outcomes. It is that simple folks.

2012 was the year that $587.5 million was won and shared between Mathew Good of Arizona and Mark Hill of Missouri. The power ball lottery system defied all the odds in 2013 when the hefty sum of $590.5 found it's way to Gloria Mackenzie in Florida.

There was an insane frenzy surrounding last Wednesday's $564 million power ball lottery. Millions and millions of people resident in the 44 states and territories got on their bright bandwagons with the hope of emerging financially better off. Do not worry, next time. Most of us are aware that the three winning tickets were sold in North Carolina, Puerto Rico and Texas - good for them. Apparently, up until last week there had never ever been a power ball victory in my Lone Star state.  Will the $188 million Princeton, Texas winner come forward?

One Marie Holmes of Shallote, North Carolina also won $188 million. We know this to be a fact because she has willingly come forward to share what she deems to be her tremendously good news. The 26 year old mother of four (one of which has cerebral palsy) who was working two separate jobs at McDonalds and Walmart, was in the process of looking for another job.  When queried about her win her answer was simply "First, I'm going to pay my tithes because I wouldn't have any of it if it wasn't for God....I'm ready to embrace the change. I'm very grateful for what is about to happen to my family."  

Malachi 3 v10 - "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." First, I'm going to pay my tithes because I wouldn't have any of it if it wasn't for God... One can safely assume that she has always promptly paid her tithes (and offerings) from her McDonalds and Walmart paychecks. She regularly gives 10% out of her earnings, no matter how small, to God first.

Marie Holmes regards her win as a blessing. Her story is a testimony and a wonderful source of encouragement others. Needless to say, Ms. Holmes knows precisely what to do with her 90%. We can truly trust God on her behalf.

God bless Matthew Good of Arizona, Mark Hill of Missouri, Gloria Mackenzie of Florida, Marie Holmes of North Carolina, the Texas winner, each and every one of us with wisdom.

I wonder what the senior staff of McDonalds and Walmart think. What would you do with $188 million, $500 million, $1 billion?

Throughout life's journey, the impossible will always be possible.

(c) JuicyChitChats 2015

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