Thursday, February 18, 2016

OK OR OTT...? What About Manny Pacquiao's Right To Free Speech?

Manny Pacquiao via Instagram
Manny Pacquaio, His Wife and Children.
"Church With My Family. May You All Have A Blessed Sunday. God Bless Everyone.." 

So Manny Pacquaio had an opinion and when asked, he gave it. Apparently the Boxing Champion gave an interview to TMZ about same-sex relationships stating "they know how to distinguish male from female. If we approve of male on male, female on female, than man is worse than animals." 

The LGBT community kicked up a storm, Nike withdrew Pacquiao's contract, etc, etc, etc. Pacquiao has since apologized with: "I'm sorry for hurting people by comparing homosexuals to animals. Please forgive me for those I've hurt. I still stand on my belief that I'm against same sex marriage because of what the Bible says but I'm not condemning LGBT. I love you all with the love of the Lord. God Bless you all and I'm praying for you."  

Nike is an American company. No doubt her Investors, Board, and Employees all believe in the value of the American Constitution together with all her amendments. 

So what happened to free speech? Remember when some Politicians compared President Obama and the First Lady, Michelle Obama to monkeys? They said it was free speech, etc, etc, etc. Is Manny Pacquiao not entitled to his opinion and free speech in this matter? 

Is Nike's contractual termination OK or simply (over the top) OTT? What do you really think about this folks?  Now, I most definitely know what I think. 

(c) JuicyChitChats

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  1. It seems like freedom of speech is only aloud under different circumstances.

  2. Yep, I remember white people calling The Obamas monkeys, the excuse was fair free speech. Y's Manny's any different. Sick of gays complaining & forcing their disgusting behavior on us Christians. Enuff already!!!!


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